Webinar: Applied decision support groundwater modelling with python
GMDSI and the USGS have co-funded the development of a series of jupyter notebooks that use python scripting to demonstrate many aspects of applied decision-support
GMDSI and the USGS have co-funded the development of a series of jupyter notebooks that use python scripting to demonstrate many aspects of applied decision-support
Date: 9th May 2023 (Recorded – see button below) John Doherty, Jeremy White and Catherine Moore presented issues that occupy the boundaries between uncertainty analysis
https://vimeo.com/548316380 by Catherine Moore and John Doherty We have talked about uncertainty before – in last year’s webinar series. We have been asked to talk
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GMDSI is managed by the National Centre for Groundwater Research and Training (NCGRT) and administered by Flinders University.