
GMDSI Workshop: Simulator Partner Technologies: When to use What, and Why – Perth


The last few years have seen considerable advances in methodologies and software that can be used in partnership with numerical simulation to support groundwater management and decision-making. These advances are both exciting and daunting. They are exciting because they provide modellers with a smorgasbord of powerful tools that can perform a wide variety of simulator-support tasks that include:

  • local and global sensitivity analysis
  • history-matching (regularized and ensemble-based);
  • uncertainty quantification;
  • non-stationary 2D and 3D stochastic field generation and manipulation;
  • data space inversion;
  • optimisation under uncertainty using real and surrogate models.

However, having such a wide variety of technologies and software at our disposal can also be a little troubling. How do you chose between them? Should you be using them at all? And are they taking modelling in the wrong direction?

The intention of the workshop is twofold. It will provide a short overview of new technologies. It will also review the “modelling as inquiry” narrative that is built on these technologies. At the same time it will provide a forum for discussion. Attendees are welcome to deliberate on whether this idea of modelling works for them, whether something important is missing from current approaches to decision-support groundwater modelling, and what should be done about it.

The workshop will be held at the University of Western Australia on 18th November, 2024. Presentations will be made, and discussions guided by:

  • John Doherty
  • Jeremy White
  • Catherine Moore
  • Eduardo de Sousa

For those interested, the workshop will be followed by a GMDSI-sponsored four day PEST course.

Registration includes morning and afternoon tea, lunch, and drinks afterwards.

This event is hosted and supported by:

The University of Western Australia and the Centre for Water and Spatial Science.

The Groundwater Modelling Decision Support Initiative and its partners, BHP, Rio Tinto, Flinders University and the National Centre for Groundwater Research and Training.