
PEST Course: Perth


This four-day course will be held over 19th to 22nd November, immediately following the “Simulator partner technologies: When to use, What and Why” workshop. This will also be held at the University of Western Australia. The course will be led by John Doherty; Jeremy White will join us for a day.

The course will cover the theory and practice of model history-matching and predictive uncertainty analysis using PEST and PEST++.

The last couple of years have provided some exiting innovations to talk about. These include improvements to the PEST, PEST++ and PyEMU suites, new ways of generating stationary and non-stationary stochastic fields for structured and unstructured model grids, data space inversion, ensemble space inversion and optimization under uncertainty.

The theory behind all of these methods will be discussed. A comprehensive tutorial will demonstrate how to use them.

The course is sponsored by GMDSI. The cost is only $200.00 per person for the whole four days. This covers morning and afternoon tea and some organizational costs.

This course is hosted and supported by:

  • The University of Western Australia and the Centre for Water and Spatial Science.
  • The Groundwater Modelling Decision Support Initiative and its partners, BHP, Rio Tinto, Flinders University and the National Centre for Groundwater Research and Training